
Stephenie Meyer remains #1

I just finished a book called Blue Bloods, hoping it might be similar to the Twilight series, but it cannot compare. I really love Stephenie Meyer's character development in Twilight, I feel like I personally know the whole Cullen family, Bella, and Charlie. I guess that they're my favorite books for a reason, and I won't be able to find another series exactly like it. I don't know how I'll be able to wait an entire year before Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the Twilight series is released!

For now, I'm reading A Great and Terrible Beauty which I hope to finish this weekend, and then I plan to read Until They Bring the Street Cars Back for the Breakfast Bookclub. (I hope I like the book because it will be fun to meet the author.)

1 comment:

Squimp said...

Hmm Catherine, this leaves me in humongous suspense to read Stephenie Meyer's books... I am starting Twilight for outside readinG! Keep up the good blogging!