Time Flies
Winter break is simply flying by! This past week, I finished reading Speak, a book I loaned to my friend to read, and upon her returning it, reread it myself. I emensely enjoyed it the second time, perhaps more than the first. It has been added to my list of favorite books (kept mentally in the back corner of my mind). The book is very moving and deep, yet at the same time simple. Even though I have never experience such a traumatic event like Melinda, I feel that I can relate to her. I would love to be her friend, unlike Heather, a new girl who abondonded her for personal gain. I actually would like to befriend many fictional characters.... anyway, my friend and I rented the movie over break, and I fell in love with it. Kristen Stewart, who acted as Melinda Sardino, has officially become my favorite actress. I absolutely cannot wait for her preformance in Twilight. (I could not figure out how to actually post the trailer on my blog, so here's just a link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSCzahFXMrs)
Much Ado About Nothing
Eight hours later.... I am back from a day of skiing at Highlands which consisted of me and my good friends Sasha and Lauren mono-skiing and eating a total of eleven donuts. Mono-skiing is difficult at first, but lots of fun! By experiencing it, I was able to sense a little how paraplegics might feel, which was interesting, educational, but also strange. Anyway, Much Ado About Nothing is the Shakespeare play I blogged about early and that my class has begun reading. I really like the play's title; it's fun to say and fits the plot perfectly. However, the story is hard to understand- it is almost as if it is written in another vernacular. (I like that word too.) The jokes are hard to comprehend, as well as the characters' emotions! Therefore, I was pleased to find that the Barnes & Noble sponsored website, Sparknotes, has a line by line translation of the text!!! I plan to find sections of the play I don't understand and then look them up on the site. Since the play is all confusing at the moment, I can't really say if I like it or not, but I am very excited to see what happens when Benedick and Beatrice (two stubborn and haughty people) are set up together. I'm also excited to watch the next scene of the movie!
Let Me Eat Cake
These Weekend posts will defintely be shorter since I am terribly busy. Yesterday I skiied for about eight hours, on six hours of sleep. This morning, I thankfully have more sleep, but am in for the same eight hours of training. Actually, I have to go soon.... so- this week, started reading the book Princess of Versailles. It is the story of Marie Antoinette and part of the Royal Daries series. My sister read these books avidly when she was younger. Though they could be a bit young for my age, I chose to read this one because I am currently studying the French Revolution in history and thought it could be beneficial to my understanding. Thus far it is. Since the books are aimed toward young teens and children, Marie Antoinette's journal entries are easy to understand and relate to what I've learned in history. Of course, there must be some fictional aspects to it as well, but it makes the story more interesting. Right now, I am only about eighty pages into the book. Antonia's mother (this is Marie Antoinette's real name) is the great empress Marie Therese and loves to form alliances. She weds off her many children in order to do so, and Antonia is to be wed to the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI. She will soon then become the queen of France. I am excited for her to move to the French royal court and be wed, because I think that is where I will begin to hear more about the French Revolution.

I know, I am getting a bit excessive: my blogs all tend to connect to Twilight or Fruits Basket, which unfortunately at the moment is being overshadowed by this big news. What is it you ask? Simply that.... AN EDWARD HAS BEEN CHOSEN. I repeat, THE PART OF EDWARD CULLEN HAS BEEN CAST. I can tell your expectations are dwindling, but never fear, I am exuberant and very excited with the choice. The actor's name is Robert Pattinson- you may recognize him from the world famous Harry Potter films. Yes- our very own Edward Cullen has participated in the number one world book phenomenon, and is about to enter the realm of another. He is going to be quite successful, wouldn't you say? Well, this is but a short post, and I just wanted to say how pleased I am with the choice. Pattinson's accent will work miracles, especially with all the fan girls (like me) who swoon at English accents such as his. Above is a picture of the two actors playing our favorite couple. Can't wait to see them in action! ;)
What Would You Do?
Every week, it seems my blogging gets wilder! I really regret not having chosen a l o n g e r outside reading book since it's challenging to come up with new ideas for blog posts. There is only so much interesting stuff going on in fifth period English that I can write about.... Well, the current book I'm reading, Masquerade, by Peneloppe de la Cruz, a sequel to Blue Bloods, has been thrown aside much-- I'm only two chapters into it! And now it is due back at the library, so who knows when I'll finish it! I got into these books after finishing Eclipse (the last book thus far in the Twilight series) and looking for a new vampire novel to sink my teeth into. On my regular trips to Barnes and Noble, I have often observed that the teen section holds mainly two assortment of books: the huge wall full of "pretty girl novels" (Gossip Girl, A-listers, etc.), the breathtaking copies of the Twilight series, and then.... its "knock-offs". There are many books sporting fangs on their covers or the word 'vampire' in their titles filling the shelves-- no doubt trying to lure in Meyer's eager and very profiting crowd. I wonder if it's working? It definitely does not attract me. I do like the Blue Blood novels however, because they are completely original from Twilight. But along with the "knock-offs" I don't like the way the vampires are described. From what I've read of Blue Bloods and from the back covers of "wanna-bes" the vamps are not immortal (or at least not of the same form. They basically reincarnate.), and do not seem as fierce, dangerous, or perfect-- the major attraction of the Cullen family in Meyer's famous novels. Moving on now, I haven't even started what I came to initially blog about. That whole ramble was a complete sidetrack. Anyway, since I am not reading much at the moment, I decided to tell you about a friend who is. I'm lending her the novel "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. I read this book a few years ago, but still recall it's powerful story about the teenage girl who struggles with the after effects of a rape. I think I will read it again soon, and then watch the movie. Ironically, it stars Kirsten Stewart (Bella)! Everything somehow seems to connect, falling into place like pieces of a puzzle.... Now, for some big news! This is a very secret matter, so don't tell! Not that I really mind, or I wouldn't be posting it on the internet. Besides, no one actually reads this blog- except for the two people who already know! Here goes....
I have officially written a fanfiction. Yes, how wonderful. Of course it is based off Twilight, and it is not very good to say the least- but I enjoy writing something which is fun and that I can control. If you wish to read it, simply follow this link to the first marvelous chapter of my story: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3855705/1/What_Would_You_Do
I have officially written a fanfiction. Yes, how wonderful. Of course it is based off Twilight, and it is not very good to say the least- but I enjoy writing something which is fun and that I can control. If you wish to read it, simply follow this link to the first marvelous chapter of my story: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3855705/1/What_Would_You_Do
Shakespeare Time
This week (precisely on Friday afternoon), I visited Valley View, my old and cherished middle school. I was very excited to connect with my ninth grade English teacher Mrs. Brua- finally getting the chance to be one of those "older and cool highschoolers" who stick their head into past teacher's classroom's to say hi. I learned SO much in language arts last year; my teacher, my peers and the course made the class something to look forward to. Surprisingly enough, the day I re encountered Mrs. Brua, we began studying Shakespeare in my current language arts class. Why so surprising you ask? Well it just so happens that the last unit we were taught in ninth grade was that of Romeo & Juliet. I loved listening to the play on tape in class, and enjoyed watching the 1960s movie even more! (Romeo was very handsome- I would describe him as a look alike to Zac Efron- though they are not related.) After my excursion that day, I was delighted to learn that we would begin reading another one of Shakespeare's plays, the title of which I am currently at a loss for. It will be a nice change after working hard on a big ethics paper. We have not started reading yet; instead we watched an introductory movie, Shakespeare in the classroom, created by the actors from the blockbuster hit, Shakespeare in Love. It was an interesting movie about the playwright, but mostly made me want to see the film! In summary, I am avidly awaiting this new Shakespeare unit. His writings are timeless and beautiful (which sounds very corny, but is true)! I just hope that his next work I study is as good as the tale of Romeo & Juliet.
Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
Ah, finally.... the weekend! Usually after a long break, the following week at school is harder than usual, which was certainly the case for me these past five days. After finishing my outside reading book over Thanksgiving break, I moved on to start and finish the novel Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, by Ally Carter. It is the sequel to I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you. I read the first novel over the summer, wishing I could attend the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, where the main character Cammie and her best friends Liz, Bex, and Macey study-- in short-- the art of espionage. Yes, these sophomores in high school are secret spies in training! How cool is that? They speak over a dozen languages, can diffuse bombs, have photographic memories, and are skilled at marshall arts as well as the art of deception. Carter's first book in the series has a plot that revolves around Cammie falling in love with a regular boy named Josh. Needless to say, things don't go so well, because although Cammie is a master at deception, she couldn't spend so much time with her boyfriend and keep her secret hidden forever. So, at the end of the first novel, Josh discovers the secret, but gets his memory whipped. (I could make endless connections here with Fruits Basket and how Cammie feels about Josh losing his memory, but I will restrain myself in order to not bore you with my endless ramblings.) So, Cammie starts out a new semester at the beginning of the second novel, hoping to keep a clean slate- concentrating on her school work and friends; no boys, no lies, no drama. But Cammie quickly learns that it is impossible to do so while training to become a secret agent. For the first time ever, twelve boys come to the Gallagher Academy. They all come from an unheard school for young men espionages called The Blackthorne Academy. Everything Cammie was trying to get away from ends up catching her. There are lies, boys, and drama! At the arrival of the guys, it seemed she was the only one who did not enjoy the newcomers; especially one in particular named Zach, who definitely showed an attraction towards Cammie. In the end though, the Blackthorne Boys and Gallagher Girls were able to work together and complete a very realistic mission simulation. Though some of Carter's fans (me included) may be disappointed that Josh makes limited appearances during the novel (and not to reconcile with Cammie), as well as not much more romanticism with Zach, I applaud the end of the novel, when Cammie waves adieu to the Zach and the other boys, knowing that when they meet again, she'll be "smarter, stronger, and ready".
Edward Potential

I'm not quite sure if this counts as a valid blog post (for my english class), though it does have to do with past literary experiences. So, on with it already! At a late hour the previous night, I spoke online with a friend who claimed she had discovered "the perfect Edward Cullen" to act in the upcoming Twilight movie alongside Kirsten Stewart as Bella. At first glance, I recognized the actor as Nate Archibald from the popular CW series Gossip Girl. Immediatly I thought that he would never be able to play the super stong, protective, and masculine vampire. However, as more time passed, the more I realized-- why not? He is certainly "...lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair" (as Stephenie Meyer described Edward in Twilight), not to mention his topaz colored eyes. Though some upper east saide haters may scorn this show, which is my secret pleasure, I believe that Chace Crawford would make for a very suitable Edward Cullen. Thanks very much for this idea Kisa!
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