
Let Me Eat Cake

These Weekend posts will defintely be shorter since I am terribly busy. Yesterday I skiied for about eight hours, on six hours of sleep. This morning, I thankfully have more sleep, but am in for the same eight hours of training. Actually, I have to go soon.... so- this week, started reading the book Princess of Versailles. It is the story of Marie Antoinette and part of the Royal Daries series. My sister read these books avidly when she was younger. Though they could be a bit young for my age, I chose to read this one because I am currently studying the French Revolution in history and thought it could be beneficial to my understanding. Thus far it is. Since the books are aimed toward young teens and children, Marie Antoinette's journal entries are easy to understand and relate to what I've learned in history. Of course, there must be some fictional aspects to it as well, but it makes the story more interesting. Right now, I am only about eighty pages into the book. Antonia's mother (this is Marie Antoinette's real name) is the great empress Marie Therese and loves to form alliances. She weds off her many children in order to do so, and Antonia is to be wed to the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI. She will soon then become the queen of France. I am excited for her to move to the French royal court and be wed, because I think that is where I will begin to hear more about the French Revolution.

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