
Time Flies

Winter break is simply flying by! This past week, I finished reading Speak, a book I loaned to my friend to read, and upon her returning it, reread it myself. I emensely enjoyed it the second time, perhaps more than the first. It has been added to my list of favorite books (kept mentally in the back corner of my mind). The book is very moving and deep, yet at the same time simple. Even though I have never experience such a traumatic event like Melinda, I feel that I can relate to her. I would love to be her friend, unlike Heather, a new girl who abondonded her for personal gain. I actually would like to befriend many fictional characters.... anyway, my friend and I rented the movie over break, and I fell in love with it. Kristen Stewart, who acted as Melinda Sardino, has officially become my favorite actress. I absolutely cannot wait for her preformance in Twilight. (I could not figure out how to actually post the trailer on my blog, so here's just a link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSCzahFXMrs)

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